Orange Jordan has signed the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), an initiative by the UN Global Compact and UN Women offering guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.This global initiative was launched in recognition of the importance of promoting gender equality to enhance business performance and sustainable economic growth. Evidence suggests that unleashing the full potential of women and girls could increase the global GDP by more than $12 trillion, with positive effects on enhancing labor productivity.Orange Jordan's joining the WEPs community confirms its continuous commitment to empowering women in the company at all levels and fields of work, which is achieved by supporting and developing their capabilities to access leadership positions, adopting an equal pay system, gender-sensitive policies, and combating all forms of discrimination and harassment.On the other side, Orange Jordan will benefit from the WEPs gender gap analysis tool, a user-friendly and confidential online platform designed to help companies evaluating current policies and programs to identify areas for improvement and opportunities, as well as setting new goals for women's empowerment.CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, welcomed the opportunity of joining this international community, to benefit from all available tools to align with its role as a leading and responsible digital provider and efforts to empower women, promote gender equality, and ensure a conducive work environment. He also noted: female employees at Orange Jordan have deservedly reached many leadership positions and constitute 25% of the workforce.He added that women have a pivotal role in sustainable socio-economic development and contribute to elevating the various sector, and accordingly; the company focused on its CSR strategy to empower women across the Kingdom, especially through the Women Digital Centers program to provide digital, management, marketing, and entrepreneurial skills. It is worth mentioning that Orange Jordan has been awarded the GEEIS certification by Bureau Veritas, a global standard for promoting a culture of gender equality in the workplace.Inclusive work environments benefit both employers and employees, women and men alike, by boosting productivity, expanding market opportunities, and creating legit benefits for the economy. We welcome Orange Jordan's commitment to catalyze change and promote women's empowerment through the WEPs community said Mr.Ziad Sheikh, Representative of the UN Women Jordan. The WEPs network currently includes more than 5,000 companies around the world, of which 50 are based in Jordan. The WEPs are informed by international labour and human rights standards and are considered the primary vehicle for corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.